Monday, 26 August 2013

August bank holiday 2013

Well today has been one of those days to try and have a rare day in to catch up on things. As nice as the weather has been,  poor Loki's limp has returned and we had to rest him so there was no chance really to do anything. 

I caught up in some of my 2013 challenges today 

I had planned to continue knitting and I finally started to knit the scarf I promised (this is my August break picture for today!) and I also managed to finish the square I started on holiday 

I am so way behind on this project but hope to catch up at some point. I also started planting some autumn plants and got some pansies planed which was good too as they had been sitting outside since Wednesday last week 

Finally I started bringing my tomatoes in off my tomato plant - they are all green but I'm hoping that they will be ripe towards end of week, as I have never grown anything myself before and want to do more ( that's if a) these work out and b) Loki stops digging in garden!)  

I probably seem like a right bore but I am happiest doing stuff like this and as I mentioned yesterday I have been injured with a bit of a cough , so  unable to run - and we don't get paid till next week so skint too. So I have tried to make best of the weekend with what I already have 

I'm feeling a bit sad today because of a variety of reasons including poor Loki not being himself and I am a terrible worrier but also because as much as I like getting a day off work for the August bank holiday, I always feel it signals the end of Summer. As much as I like Autumn (love the colours!) and Winter (because of build up to Christmas)I hate the dark nights and mornings quite a lot. Daylight really helps with my mood-  so miss it when it's gone. I am actually writing this post outside in my yard making the most of a nice evening! 

Anyway here's hoping little Loki is feeling better tomorrow - he can still manage a wagging tail even thought be must be fed up! God love him x 

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