Sunday, 18 August 2013

August Break Week 2

This entry is really an update on how I  been doing with "August Break" project which I am really enjoying. I have been adding my pictures daily on my Instagram account (will put links on tomorrow as I am on IPad!) 
I've not been having that much of a great August and so this little project is keeping my mind ticking over. I am also enjoying looking at other people's pictures on Instagram and Twitter too.
Anyway, here are this week's photo's (all took with IPhone too) I still have to find some circles -this one is driving me mad! 

11. Play 

Sock war with Loki 

Everton pre season friendly against Real Betis 

12. Far away (Father Ted inspired) 

13. Home 

14. Stillness

15. Books 

Waterson's Liverpool 1, Garston reading room where Loki's puppy school is and my craft books! 

16. Floral 

My hydrenga plant 

17. Touch 

Loki attacking lol 

18. Looking down 

Sunday run - 13 k furthest since half marathon and new Nike leggings :) 

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