My Photography

Every since I was small I have enjoyed looking at and taking pictures. I remember going on holiday to Ireland and my dad bought this tiny camera with cassette style film. That summer I took loads of pictures ones of my Nan and Mum just chatting on the steps of the country house they had, and one where I made my dad, brother and grandad pose on gate like door steps! Years later those pictures are framed in my dad's front room (he has a parlour!) and are my pride and joy. My mum, nan and grandad are no longer with us and what I love about those pictures more than anything is how they reflect special moments in time, not just family occasions and holidays, but a time in the 1980's when everything was a bit more innocent, just before I hit my teenage years and things started going "mental". Those pictures represent the world and those people as I saw it then in my eyes and in my head. It has helped capture that happy moment 20 plus years later. Thats why I love photography so much. I love looking at my pictures of Paris, Duncan as a puppy, photographs of me and Ped as our relationship has grown over the past decade, re-living my niece, nephew and little sister all growing up. Like music and smells they evoke memories or a mood in a visual way.

True Colours

Every so often you come across a story, that makes you feel hopeful.  A tale that makes you realize  that for all the horrible things going ...