Monday, 26 August 2013

August bank holiday 2013

Well today has been one of those days to try and have a rare day in to catch up on things. As nice as the weather has been,  poor Loki's limp has returned and we had to rest him so there was no chance really to do anything. 

I caught up in some of my 2013 challenges today 

I had planned to continue knitting and I finally started to knit the scarf I promised (this is my August break picture for today!) and I also managed to finish the square I started on holiday 

I am so way behind on this project but hope to catch up at some point. I also started planting some autumn plants and got some pansies planed which was good too as they had been sitting outside since Wednesday last week 

Finally I started bringing my tomatoes in off my tomato plant - they are all green but I'm hoping that they will be ripe towards end of week, as I have never grown anything myself before and want to do more ( that's if a) these work out and b) Loki stops digging in garden!)  

I probably seem like a right bore but I am happiest doing stuff like this and as I mentioned yesterday I have been injured with a bit of a cough , so  unable to run - and we don't get paid till next week so skint too. So I have tried to make best of the weekend with what I already have 

I'm feeling a bit sad today because of a variety of reasons including poor Loki not being himself and I am a terrible worrier but also because as much as I like getting a day off work for the August bank holiday, I always feel it signals the end of Summer. As much as I like Autumn (love the colours!) and Winter (because of build up to Christmas)I hate the dark nights and mornings quite a lot. Daylight really helps with my mood-  so miss it when it's gone. I am actually writing this post outside in my yard making the most of a nice evening! 

Anyway here's hoping little Loki is feeling better tomorrow - he can still manage a wagging tail even thought be must be fed up! God love him x 

Sunday, 25 August 2013

August Break Week 3

Here are the third week's "August Break" - I am still enjoying taking the pictures and it is great to have an excuse to take pictures each day with a theme - I forgot to take "taste" when I was meant to and didn't publish it to Instagram but have caught up today.... There is only "circles" now I'm still missing 


White Dhalia from my Garden 

A bleached used to be pink... Now White Flamingo 

20. Taste 

Some cupcakes I made - first batch in a while 

21. Something old 

My first bear which will be 41 this Christmas 

22. Mid-day 

My ever so "professional" desk in work at lunch time 

23. Sacred 

St Cecilia's church 

24. Hear 

The sounds of Goodison Park at our first home game of the season - mainly fans and turnstile's turning 

25. Sunday morning 

 Not my normal Sunday morning at all- I've got a sore ankle and a cough so no running for me this week, which is seriously putting the Wirral half Marathon as a near impossibility unfortunately ..... However a relaxing morning watching Harry Potter once Loki had woken me up at 6.30 

Last set next week - until then happy snapping 

Sunday, 18 August 2013

August Break Week 2

This entry is really an update on how I  been doing with "August Break" project which I am really enjoying. I have been adding my pictures daily on my Instagram account (will put links on tomorrow as I am on IPad!) 
I've not been having that much of a great August and so this little project is keeping my mind ticking over. I am also enjoying looking at other people's pictures on Instagram and Twitter too.
Anyway, here are this week's photo's (all took with IPhone too) I still have to find some circles -this one is driving me mad! 

11. Play 

Sock war with Loki 

Everton pre season friendly against Real Betis 

12. Far away (Father Ted inspired) 

13. Home 

14. Stillness

15. Books 

Waterson's Liverpool 1, Garston reading room where Loki's puppy school is and my craft books! 

16. Floral 

My hydrenga plant 

17. Touch 

Loki attacking lol 

18. Looking down 

Sunday run - 13 k furthest since half marathon and new Nike leggings :) 

Saturday, 10 August 2013

August Break continued

As promised last night I have managed to start to catch up on some pictures for the August Break project and here are today's catch up snaps 

1. Breakfast




4. Love 



8. A selfie


10 red 

All I am missing is "circles" - I didn't realise you could take more than one picture for each day (untill just before writing blog!) and I deleted a few yellow ones which I could kick myself for - so tomorrow for "play"I have already done one but will need to do another I think too!! 
Read here for more August break info


Friday, 9 August 2013

The August Break 2013 Photography Meme

Last night whilst reading Facebook, I came across my friend's blog "Cutie and the Feast " and read about the August Break 2013 photography meme, which has been thought up by Susannah Conway. The concept is that you take a photograph a day throughout the month of August and to help there are a few concepts to help you along the way

The idea is that each photo should be themed on the prompts for each day. As I only found out about this yesterday, I am glad that it is an informal challenge and so you can join anytime which is great! 
so, I chose to start today, I am obviously a little behind as it is 9th August  but I started off with a few snaps this evenning and hope to get up to at least 12th August by Sunday. 

I will put the photo's on my blog as and when I can. What I like about this idea is that it will increase photo taking and creative thinking, along with blogging!

So here goes the first few... 

5. Close up

6. Diagonals 


9. Taste 

I think I am going to enjoy doing this!!! More to follow over the weekend

Friday, 2 August 2013

My little Loki

Today little Loki is actually a whole six months old! I think it is about time that he gets his own post. 


We got Loki when he was nine weeks old. He is one of a litter of ten and again he was the last puppy left when we went to see him. We met his mum Holly  and have seen pictures of his Dad . As I was so upset about Duncan still that the breeders kept hold of him for us for a few days before we brought him home which was lovely of them and I've kept in touch with some pictures of him as he has settled in and grown bigger. 
Loki has his own little ways that I've grown used to now 
- he likes to get up approx 630 - 700 every morning - he then goes back to sleep with me or whilst I get ready to go to work 
-he is obsessed with digging in the dirt/soil 
-he likes his own space and will go off on his own for hours in the other room 
-loves water' whether it's rain, puddles, the hose, water tap in yard - he loves them all 
-he is so cute and pulls his own little expressions which I've noted since first day he came home 
-he snores like I've never known 
- he gets excited by EVERYTHING - he has what we call the" Loki wiggle" where his bum and helicopter tail take over 
- when work is crap or I feel sad -  I think about getting home and he makes me smile - he's a little ray of sunshine :)
I posted on Facebook earlier tonight that I still think about and miss Duncan everyday and my only sadness is that Dunc would have loved Loki and I wish I had the two of them. Loki has made the gap left by Duncan that bit more bearable and I wouldn't be without him either x 


True Colours

Every so often you come across a story, that makes you feel hopeful.  A tale that makes you realize  that for all the horrible things going ...