Monday, 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween, I love reading Ghost Stories (love the Haunted Liverpool books) and have even been on a Ghost Hunt in St James Cemetery in Liverpool in the pitch black and freezing cold for a Christmas night out. I also love all the traditional Irish Tales of Banshees and remember with scary fondness "Bogeymen"

As you will get by now I love theming stuff and celebrating holidays so this weekend as been no exception....

1. Halloween Make up: These days fancy dress is the name of the game and if your going to dress up why not  look authentic? I had the pleasure of designing the make up for my sister Sue's Zombie Bride look this Saturday - luckily she was happy with the result and from the sounds of it had a great night

Belle of the Zombie Ball 

2. Duncan : I love getting Duncan bandannas (again themed for the time of year). A lady called Elaine makes most of his bandannas for him and so when I wanted a Halloween themed there was only one lady I would go to

Hey I kinda like this look! 
3.Pumpkins: Finally Halloween wouldn't be the same without a bit of Pumpkin Carving - I remember years ago we did'nt get pumpkins here and my Mum would use a turnip - it did the job but just did'nt have the effect of those pumpkins they used in America but now I am glad to say we get Pumpkins here. This year I carved a cat on a wall and Peter carved a spider 

Taken with Hipstomatic App for I Phone 

So after a very busy weekend and a nice day off it will be back to normality tomorrow

Hope you all have a happy halloween

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